Media Appearances
NBC News article where I discuss the role of the housing market in the 2024 election.
Salon piece where I speak on how Trump made gains in Georgia and beyond this election cycle.
Emory Wheel article where I speak on how Harris struggled to overcome hurdles in the 2024 election.
Seattle Times article where I talk about changes in Georgia early voter trends from 2020-2024.
NPR piece in which I comment on various mobilization strategies in Georgia.
Washington Post piece in which I speak on the power of Asian American political organizers in Georgia.
Emory Wheel story where I estimate the impact of the debate on swing voters.
NPR clip where I comment on the appeal of the GOP to Black voters.
Atlanta Journal-Constitution article where I look at the power of minority defectors in Georgia amid the 2024 election.
Article by Suzanne Gamboa, Alex Tabet and Nicole Acevedo in which I chip in about Rubio’s likelihood of mobilizing the Latino electorate.
Article where I comment on how Emory and Georgia have evolved since the 2020 election.
I was selected as an Andrew Carnegie Fellow for 2024-26, receiving $200k in funding.
Article by Phoebe Quinton where I comment on Georgia’s new blue voters.
NYT article by Ruth Igielnik where I comment on trends amongst the Latino electorate.
Piece by Nick Corasaniti where I unpack racial trends amongst young voters.
A NYT opinion piece by Thomas B. Edsall where I comment on why Latinos are shifting towards the Republican party.
NYT article by Nick Corasaniti where I comment on a new Brennan Center study investigating the turnout gap.
Emory News article about the power of my new Mellon-sponsored course.
$526,000 grant will create the “Imagining Democracy Lab” at Emory.
I comment on my experiences teaching students how to predict election results in my “Election Data Science” course.
Article by Anisha Kohli where I comment on the segregationist history behind Georgia’s runoffs
Article by Carlos Waters where I comment on how SB 202 threatens early voting.
A NYT opinion piece by Thomas B. Edsall where I comment on the role of Latinos in the Republican Party.
Article by Meredith Conroy and Nathaniel Rakich which references my findings on how fewer women are running for the House and Senate in 2022.
Article by Nathaniel Rakich using my findings on the Congressional representation gap for POC.
Article by Suzanne Gamboa where I comment on the success of mobilization efforts on boosting Latino turnout in the 2020 runoffs.
TV broadcast where I discuss early voting in Georgia’s 2021 Runoff elections.
An Associated Press article where I comment on race and voter turnout in Georgia’s runoff elections.
Article by Suzanne Gamboa where I comment on hurdles to ensuring Latino turnout in the 2022 Senate Runoffs.
Associated Press video where I talk about political trends this election cycle from my office on Emory’s campus.